Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I think that this scent should have a name. There’s just something about it that stretches my lips in a comfortable, natural smile and relaxes my taut nerves. How can a smell do that? All I know is it’s deliciously addictive. My mind curiously takes in the others around me and wonders if they’re as affected as I. This is where I feel most at home. It’s one of the few places where I don’t feel the need to cautiously take in the actions of others as a guide for my own. I know how to act here; it’s instinct. I don’t feel embarrassed or insufficient. I am at peace. The aisles stretch before me, a beautiful call to my ginger fingertips and eager eyes. I marvel at the fact that so much knowledge and thought is contained in those aisles. I take a step forward with a deep, satisfying breath and begin my silent perusal. I can take as long as I like. There may be lines and lists of responsibilities and deadlines outside but here, here it’s all about patient anticipation. It may take me a moment, it may take hours. My fingers caress the binds of their own volition and I let the wonder of the words beneath them run up my arm, a cool breeze anxious to refresh my mind. My eyes devour the words on the binds and paint intricate and beautiful designs in my brain. My emotions respond. Some words flat-line my feelings while others stir them into a near frenzy. The books easily slide from the shelf to my waiting hands where they are turned over and considered. After an adequate amount of consideration each is slid back into the perfect space that waits to embrace it until I find the one that is irresistible. I leave the aisles knowing that it won’t be long before I’ll be back in that place and find a plush, welcoming combination of wood and adorning pillows and fabric. As I sink into the chair and my legs and arms find their place, I clutch the book in excitement. When I’m comfortable, I open the beautiful cover and exhale. I’m gone, into another world, able to escape everything but the carefully constructed world of an artist of words.

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